A Hero Among Us-De’Vika
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers—so many caring people in this world.” ~Mr. Fred Rogers~
Never have these words been more true for me than today. I have found comfort in seeing all the individuals in our community that have come forward during our current challenges to help, reminding me of the strength, compassion and kindness that is abundant in our little valley. One of the individuals that can be seen helping is De’Vika Stalling as she leads at the Lompoc Boys and Girls Clubhouse which is now serving as a food distribution center for the SB County Food Bank. Timing is every thing they say, and in this case it is very true. Earlier this year, I reached out to De’Vika, thanking her for being one of my heroes and learning more about her inspiring story which she graciously shared with me. And now I wish to share it with you. Here is the story of one of the many helpers in our community.
Entering into the Boys and Girls Clubhouse in town is something special these days. There is a sense of delight and wonder that accompanies the activity and ongoing chatter of young voices, yet everything is orderly and calm at the same time. However, it was not always this way. I remember frequenting the Clubhouse when my children were much younger and while the staff was very caring, there wasn’t the sense of excited anticipation as you stepped over the threshold that grabs you now. I wondered at this change until I met the new director, De’Vika Stalling. Just meeting De’Vika and speaking with her for a few minutes explained the change at the Clubhouse. Her generosity of spirit and vulnerability was not just uplifting but made you believe anything was possible.
De’Vika is Lompoc born and bred, growing up in this community and attending school until the adventurous age of 19 when she pursued her her dream of living in a Big city (her spelling!) and moved to Venice Beach. She LOVED the Big city life and for ten years enjoyed the huge melting pot of people, food, culture and Big city vibe. It was after the birth of her daughter that she moved back to the community she grew up in, wanting her daughter to experience the same small town values she had.
Moving back to the community she valued also meant De’Vika was once again living near the most influential person in her life. Her mother. Growing up in a single parent home, De’Vika was one of three children and in her own words describes her mother. ’Looking back at my childhood we were definitely on the poorer side of the income bracket. But being who she was she always went above and beyond to provide the best life she could for us and we never felt or even knew we were poor.’ So much love in those words. So much care! And yet her mother was not her only teacher. Perhaps a foreshadowing of De’Vika’s future was the guiding principle she learned from one of her elementary school teachers that influences her actions today. ‘It is soooo important to treat others the way you want to be treated. Although I struggled with this task many times throughout life, it’s one of the simple gestures that keeps me rooted in who I was created to be.’
I knew De’Vika had challenges in her life, we all do. I had also heard via the Lompoc grapevine some of those were due to choices she had made herself which made me appreciate the transformation she had brought to the Boys and Girls Clubhouse all that much more. Truly I had no idea the depth of those challenges until she shared with me how she came to her Christian faith. In her own beautiful words is the story of that transformative time. ’The event in my life that was pivotal to becoming the person I am today would be the day I laid on my living room floor across from my then 2-year-old daughter suffering from a heart attack due to chronic methamphetamine use. I was quickly diagnosed with having cardiomyopathy and an enlarged heart. My cardiologist at the time was very blunt and informed me that if I did not stop using that day my heart would give out and I would die. He then looked me in the eyes and said “Who’s going to raise your daughter?” Those words pierced my soul and shook me to my core. It was in that moment that I literally felt God nudge me to wake up and get my life together. Shortly after my diagnoses I began to regularly attend church and started on my Christian journey and developed a real relationship with Jesus Christ. I continuously prayed for God to save me from myself and my addiction. And he did! I took advantage of my life or death wake up call and have been blessed beyond measure to have 12 solid years clean!!! It was through my first year of recovery that I did a lot of internal evaluation and eliminated things and people that were not contributing to my transformation. During my second year of recovery God began to open doors for me in ways that I never thought were possible and I developed within my church and developed a true passion to work with youth. From that time I have devoted my life to being an advocate for the need of underrepresented youth within the Lompoc community as well as ensuring that “Our” youth have a safe place to go within the community.’ And De’Vika’s hero? Her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ‘He willing gave his life for the LOVE of others. If that’s not a perfect example of heroism, then I don’t know what is…’
De’Vika is such a blessing and gift to our little town! The magic she makes at the Clubhouse is incredible but beyond that she is a beautiful person with a beautiful heart for everyone. Her vulnerability is awe inspiring and her love for our children is incredible, including the love she shares of her amazing 14-year-old daughter who is a freshman at Cabrillo High School. For all these reasons De’Vika is one of my heroes. She is someone that continues to inspire me to be a better person and who I am so grateful to have met.
Wishing you dear friend many heroes and helpers on your heartfelt journey! ~♥~

~Maya Angelou~