A Word to Journey With for a Year
No New Year’s resolutions, just a word. A word to guide, to inspire, to help me walk the path that is mine. Â
Last year my guiding word was LIGHT and little did I realize in choosing it how often I would remind myself of it as the path in 2020 would grow dark, the weight on my shoulders would become heavy. Just remembering the word, bringing myself back to the direction I had set in the last week of 2019, was comforting. Â
With this working knowledge of how helpful it was to have a single word to remind me of my intention for the year I began thinking of a word for 2021 early in December. As I did last year I made a short list of words that came to mind as possibilities. Speaking each out loud to see how it felt on my tongue, how it felt to hear it, exploring what it would mean to journey for a year with this word as my companion. Â
After some deliberation and day dreaming I chose ENOUGH. It is a word that reflects how blessed I have been as my needs are met and I have enough. It opens up opportunity for new paths and directions when I have determined I have traveled a specific journey far enough. It reminds me that even when I am strong enough to handle something I still have a choice and to trust myself in that choice. It allows me to focus on who I am and not fixate on what society deems to tell me I am lacking, reminding me despite all my imperfections I am okay and have the opportunity to learn and grow.  Enough reminds me to approach life from a perspective of abundance and not lack.  Ultimately, however, it gives me hope, reminding me I am enough in this moment and it is this moment that matters. Â
 If you chose a word to journey with in 2021, what would it be?  Wishing you dear friend, enough and more while traveling this experience we call life! ~♥~