Abundance, Enough, and Energy Flows
There is an energy flow to everything. In some things, it can be seen as a river flowing. In others, like ice, the movement is not seen. Science teaches us all things have energy, little tiny particles in constant motion. Even though a rock appears only to exist, or thought seems to be ephemeral fluff, both have energetic qualities. And like a river, we can change the flow of energy; redirecting it so that it goes around us untouched, letting it flow through us supporting our needs, or stopping it much like a dam, either before the energy reaches us or trapping it inside. Viewing life through the lens of abundance has taught me much about these energy flows, how I influence them and they influence me.
Abundance mentality, the acceptance that resources are enough, successes are enough, and there is enough of everything to support everyone, recognizes and acknowledges that we are all connected. More important, it brings me into the present moment, letting go of how I believe things should be and accepting how things are. It leads me from a victim stance to one of empowerment, feeling energized and not drained, hopeful, not hopeless. It opens up opportunities and choices, leading to clarity instead of reacting out of fear or lack of choice. Abundance has taught me life is not as hard as I once thought, but enjoyable, creative, and even fun.Â
Approaching life with an expectation of enough or abundance allows the energy to flow, unobstructed and supportive. For example, when a deadline for a project looms and I realize perhaps I may not make the deadline as hoped and accept this as fact, I can feel my body tense. Thoughts become constricted, focused on the premise I will not finish in a timely fashion, which will likely result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, when I take a mindset that there will be enough time to finish what needs to be accomplished, I can feel the energy flow again. I notice space for my thoughts and, with space, clarity for how to proceed, given the parameters in place. Please don’t misunderstand. Time doesn’t magically appear and allow me to finish the task, but I can work with the time given more constructively and often, if not completing the job, at least arrive at an acceptable point. Â
I am not suggesting that we approach all our resources with the attitude that there will always be enough no matter our actions; this would be foolish as we are all called to be good stewards of the world. What I have found, however, is that by viewing my life with abundance versus scarcity, I open up my choices, able to flow with the surrounding energy instead of swimming against it. Â
Here are some key ways that have helped me adopt an ‘abundance’ approach.
Gratitude for what I have-I focus on three things each day, not always material things; sometimes they are experiences and can be as mundane as listening to birdsong as I walk my dog in the morning.
I center myself in the present moment. I do this usually with breathing exercises or using my five senses to anchor me.
Developing and maintaining a growth mindset, I don’t have things all figured out, and there is so much to discover in this wondrous world. Â
Being curious about the people with whom I interact. Asking questions about their lives and experiences, trying to understand and trying not to judge.
Approaching things using a beginner’s mind or with my inner child and a sense of awe and wonder.
Being aware of my dialogue with myself and others and reminding myself when I recognize I have put forth a scarcity view that perhaps there is another way.
Wishing you, dear friend, enough, no matter the situation on your heartfelt journey. ~♥~

~Steve Rother~