Celebrations & Expectations
Picnics with family under a summer sun, watching community parades during the day and firework displays at night, or just having the day off, the Fourth of July represents a time of joy and celebration for our country. A day many of us look forward to with anticipation of fun and warm memories. But do our expectations lead us astray?
In the past have found myself anxiously anticipating all the of the beloved things from previous Fourth of July celebrations only to be disappointed as the current one unfolds. It would be either too hot, too windy, the kids too demanding, the hot dogs the wrong kind or perhaps I was just too tired. Whatever the problem was I would let it dictate the level of my enjoyment for the day. Soon, it seemed that no matter how eagerly I anticipated an event, no matter how well I planned, I would be disappointed. So I wondered, what could I change. I didn’t have control over others. I didn’t have control over the weather and actually there was very little I could truly control when I really examined the issue. But it was my sense of wanting control that was leading to this inability to enjoy my days as they unfolded.
Thankfully Eckhart Tolle gave me a glimpse to a solution with the following statement ‘Whatever the present moment is, accept it as if you had chosen it.’ This simple statement gave me back a sense of control. I wasn’t just passively being mindful or living in the present moment, I was choosing to accept the present moment. I was embracing the journey. And while it is not always easy and I have to remind myself at times of this mindset, it has made a difference in how I enjoy and celebrate my days. I encourage you to try accepting the present moment as if you had chosen it during your celebrations and daily life.
Wishing you and your family a blessed and heartfelt celebration this Fourth of July! ~♥~

Eckhart Tolle