Dear Trees, Thank You for Your Gift of Shade
It was a Saturday, and we had committed to spending the day with our granddaughter so her parents might have time to just be themselves instead of parents, if only for a short while. Fortunately, while breezy, it was a lovely sunny day, and I had planned activities that we could quickly pivot to as a toddler’s attention span seems to adjust every few minutes. From playing chase outside, giggling with each other as we lay on the grass gazing at the sky, to more structured activities like playing golf with the golf set her grandfather had gifted her, we were keeping her busy.
One of the things I had planned was to walk our dog on the walking trails near our house. Having been sidetracked with a game her grandfather had created with a simple cardboard box and rope, our walk began as the day had started to heat up. Undeterred by the temperature, we finally set off. A short while into this expedition, our granddaughter began to complain of the heat and wanted to turn around. I encouraged her to continue, pointing out intermittent shade ahead, and explained it would be along a good portion of the path. She then began racing to the shaded spots, pausing briefly, taking deep breaths, and exclaiming how nice the shade felt.
As is the nature of young minds, soon she began asking about the shade and why it was where it was. As simply as I could, I explained it was coming from the trees and bushes along the path. Fortunately, this explanation seemed sufficient, and the why’s did not continue because, as any parent or grandparent of a three+-year-old can attest, sometimes the why’s exceed the answers available. Soon, as she enjoyed the respite from the sun in each newly found patch of shade, she would say, ‘Thank you for the shade, trees.’
I pondered as I listened to those simple words that were such a sincere gesture yet profound in their acknowledgment of a gift from another living organism. And soon, I found myself reciting the words along with my granddaughter, remembering back to days long ago when I too had thanked trees and plants for the gifts they gave us. It was a habit I had learned that was not deemed normal by most people I knew, so I kept it hidden and eventually let it go. Yet, I wonder now, why don’t we acknowledge and give thanks to the plants that nourish us, provide us with shade or a safe haven for birds? Perhaps because we have deemed it unnecessary to acknowledge and honor the gifts from another living organism, other people, or even ourselves in the busyness of our lives as we try to accomplish all that is on our to-do lists.
In taking this path, it seems we have lost the understanding of how we are all connected and impact each other. And it is perhaps this lack of recognition and acknowledgment which has lead us to this path of expectation and entitlement to what we want, when and how we want it, whether the expectation is realistic or not. I wonder how our world would change if we thanked the trees for their shade, the birds for their birdsong, and the rain for nourishing our lands? How would it change if we thanked those at work providing a service, a stranger for their smile, or even remembered to thank ourselves for being here?
For now, I am rekindling old habits, speaking to plants again, and thanking the trees for their shade, just as my granddaughter taught me. Wishing you, dear friend, much gratitude for all you have and all you encounter on your heartfelt journey. ~♥~