Heroes Among Us
We are all teachers and yet we are all students when we allow ourselves to witness another’s story. I truly believe that everyone has a story of interest with lessons we can learn from and be inspired by. I know I have experienced this with many different people throughout my life. People that have given me hope or insight into how things can be better. Sometimes they have been the light on the path when there is darkness, the encouraging word to believe in myself when I didn’t, but more often than not, they have shown me a different way to approach this thing we call life and for that I am eternally grateful. These are my heroes.Â
Despite my personal experiences, I have heard many bemoan the fact that we have a lack of present day heroes. I am convinced this is not true. I believe there are many heroes that walk among us daily, unrecognized and unacknowledged.  I am convinced we would see them clearly if only we knew their stories. I also have faith that we can all be heroes in our own lives with a little guidance, because even the superheroes from the Marvel universe need help from others at times. Â
Sadly, most of my heroes don’t know how they have touched me. How they have been someone I have looked up to and admired, unknowingly prompting me to go beyond my fears and self inflicted limitations to do better. To be better. So a project born of hope several years ago is now becoming a concrete reality. It has taken on different faces through time and it may still evolve, but this is it’s time to become a part of the tangible world.Â
With ‘Heroes Among Us’ I will be shining the light on my heroes. First, thanking them for how they have impacted my life and asking if I may tell their story so that others may be inspired and encouraged. I hope you enjoy these stories, of which the first one will be next week, and that you are able to recognize and thank the heroes in your life, including yourself. Â
Wishing you dear friend much inspiration and encouragement on your heartfelt journey! ~♥~