Letting Go to Make Room
I made it. I found myself on the board of one of our community organizations that was populated by the movers and the shakers; the individuals that helped shape our community with their decisions. This was a place I had dreamed of being, a place to make a difference and I was humbled to have arrived. Like so many things, however, the perception and the reality don’t always align. After several months I found there was a lot of talk, many words and ideas shared but action became bogged down in posturing and differing agendas. The movers and shakers were more the talkers and sitters. Fortunately I realized this was not the place for me and resigned from the organization after a short two years. Â
In just a few months, however, I found myself back in company with this group of individuals, these leaders of our community. I had read about an idea that might help revitalize our local small businesses and I wanted to run with it, give it a try, and see where it might take us. Recognizing that I couldn’t execute the project alone and needed some support, this organization was the logical choice. The support was granted but with the understanding it was verbal support and I was the lead, able to make decisions on the execution independent of the Board as long as the mission stayed the same. I stayed at the helm of this program for six years, growing and tweaking it as differing needs emerged. And then it was time for me to move onto other projects. Other interests. It was time for someone else to step up and take over. Â
This transition was extremely difficult in so many ways as I realized that with my stepping back from the program it would definitely change under someone else’s leadership, that was the easy part. That it might even cease to exist was a much more challenging thought to contemplate but was a reality I might have to acknowledge.  With time I was able to work through the feelings and recognize this is the nature of all things, for nothing stays the same no matter how much we try or wish for them to remain as they are. What I could continue to hold, however, were the memories I had, the lessons I had learned and the friendships I had made. Those were mine. Â
One of those lessons that I still hold dear is that sometimes holding onto a dream does not serve us. For me, the reality is, as much as I like to plan and discuss hopes and the future, I want to take action as well. In letting go of my dream of making an impact in my community by being a part of an organization that was comprised of the movers and shakers, I was able to actually make a more significant impact by just being me. I didn’t have to be a board member of any organization. I didn’t have to have a fancy title. I only needed to trust in myself and to listen to the needs of others.  It was in letting go of the dream of how things should be that made room for how things could be.  It was in letting go I found what was truly meant for me. It was in letting go, that I was able to make the difference I had dreamed about. Â
Wishing you dear friend the ability to let go and make room for the dreams that are meant for you. ~♥~
