Celebrate Earth Day Every Day
The first Earth Day was celebrated 50 years ago on April 22, 1970. It was founded by Gaylord Nelson, a US Senator from Wisconsin, after he witnessed the impact of a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. At that time it was the largest oil spill in US history and still ranks at number 3, behind only the Deepwater Horizon and Exxon Valdez oil spills. It was Mr. Gaylord’s vision to have a “national teach-in on the environment” and energize the public to protect the environment by addressing water and air pollution concerns. Over 20 million Americans participated in that first Earth Day celebration uniting many in a common cause that had been previously fragmented over several specific environmental concerns.
This year, Earth Day celebrations will focus on climate action. Given the current landscape with the pandemic, this may seem impossible or unachievable, however, I believe this is rather an appropriate back drop for creating change. With the pause button hit for so many around the world in manufacturing, travel and even our day to day lives, there has been substantial change in air quality world wide. Not only are blue skies and a pretty view a by product of cleaner air but so are health benefits for humanity, including fewer breathing problems and a lower mortality rate.
Ultimately, however, I believe this demonstrates just how much our activities and choices impact this planet on which we live and that Climate Action is a perfect theme for Earth Day 2020. Action can include discussions about the environment and the challenges currently faced from clean air and water to dwindling natural resources. It may also include exchanging ideas about how to change or learning what different choices can be made in our day to day lives so that we may be more in alignment with nature. Some changes may be difficult and others easy but right now many of us have time to reflect and think about how we want the world we live in to look, to function and most importantly what is sustainable. We also have time to think and dream about how we might achieve those goals. And if we don’t believe we have time, it is necessary to make the time, to have the discussions, to become educated and to make the choices. To take action.
The reality is, we have been blessed to live in this world we have been gifted, with its many natural wonders and incredible resources. With that gift, we have also been given a responsibility. The responsibility to take care of it so that our grandchildren’s great-grandchildren will have a place to call home. No matter where you are we ask you to join us in this effort because you can make a difference with your choices and together we can save our beautiful home we call Earth.
Wishing you much joy and love for Mother Nature as you celebrate Earth Day today and every day on your heartfelt journey! ~♥~

Native American Proverb