Making a Difference Makes All the Difference
It was a dreary morning as I was walking my dog in the neighborhood. Treasured time for me most mornings as I cleared my thoughts and prepared for the day ahead but on this one particular morning I was lost in thought, not in preparation for the day, but in dread.  My business was closed due to the pandemic and I felt lost in the myriad of information presented from so many different sources of how I should be moving forward. My shoulders were heavy and the way forward seemed dim. Â
Out of the blue a car pulled along side me (not that unusual in our neighborhood, it was usually someone needing directions) and an enthusiastic and warm voice announced boldly ‘You are awesome!’  Jostled out of my reverie I acknowledged the shining words with a huge smile, recognizing one of our local Pastors as the deliverer from my pity party. I laughed and thanked him and he continued on his way. Â
I am not sure how the rest of his day went, but for me, from that moment forward, the sun shone a bit brighter and the struggles before me seemed a bit more manageable. I continued to let those three words tumble over and over in my mind, silly grin affixed to my face, as hope began to bloom. Things would work out. Perhaps not the way I would prefer or envisioned, but they would work out. And, there was a lot to be thankful for.  A lot to smile about. Â
Such a simple happenstance on the surface but what is truly amazing to me, other than the fact someone that I really don’t know very well would take the time to make a difference in my day, is how this simple act made such a big difference. Far too often I know in the past I have not done something because I didn’t believe it was grand enough, impactful enough. But truly, who am I to decide? Isn’t just the act worth making in and of itself? After this experience that is my firm belief. There is no act of kindness too small, no kind words too short, that they should not exist just on the basis of perceived unworthiness. Just making a difference makes all the difference. Â
And this wonderful person who changed how the world looked on that dreary day? I have had the honor of encountering him two more times in the neighborhood and both times we have laughingly and exuberantly told each other ‘You are awesome!’ making my day a bit brighter yet again. Â
Much love and courage to you dear friend as you make a difference for someone, even a stranger, and tell them they are awesome.  ~♥~