New Beginnings
Letting go of something you have loved and nurtured for so long is not easy. Recognizing you don’t have the energy or patience to continue nourishing it as you once did is not easy either. Yet, that is where I find myself today. After building a business and guiding it with care for thirty years, today is the day I let go. Today it becomes someone else’s obligation and no longer my weight of responsibility.… Someone who will have the energy and fortitude to continue guiding it, making the adjustments as needed with the tender loving care it deserves.
So today is a day of contradictions. It is a day of mourning as I say goodbye to a life I once knew, as I let someone else take the helm and direct the course our family business will take. A day to remember the hard work, the successes, and the routine of a job well known, understanding these things are in the past. Â It is also a day of celebration and excitement. A day that I can look to chasing dreams that had been asked to wait and have been patiently biding their time. Â
And yet, isn’t that truly how life is? A journey of contradictions within the same moment and experience. For how can you know joy without knowing sadness or the exhilarating feeling of accomplishment without knowing failure? It is only through embracing all this life has to offer that we can fully understand what it is to be human; the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. All valid experiences and notable in their own existences.
So I comfort the part of me that is saying goodbye and grieves the loss, yet, I celebrate with the part that is looking forward in anticipation to what the journey now holds. Today is a day of endings and last times, but it is also a day of beginnings and first times. It is a day to remember it is this moment that matters and to embrace all that it has to offer.
Wishing you, dear friend, moments to say goodbye and moments to say hello on your heartfelt journey. ~♥~