Shine Your Light
The past few weeks, as I have reflected back on my choice for my guiding word for 2020, I have chuckled at the seeming irony of it right now.  The word was ‘light’ and little did I know the path ahead was going to become so dim at times.  I remember choosing ‘light’ to remind myself the sun always rises and to let go of the heavy energies that cling.  I chose it to remind myself I have the power to reclaim my joy and lightheartedness in life.  I chose it as a reminder there is always hope and to help make the path clear on my journey. Most of all, however, I chose light for 2020 to remind myself we are all meant to shine for who we are and not hide our true selves from the world. Â
This word that I chose, perhaps based on a whim, is now my beacon in so many ways, day after day and sometimes even moment by moment. Â With the shelter in place directive from our state government now in place for almost two weeks, life is very different. Â I have a family retail business that is currently on pause but there is still much to do behind the scenes. Â I worry about my employees, our finances, my community…at times it has been overwhelming. Â
Truly, however, the path right now is not easy for anyone. Those that are able to work from home are struggling with learning new technology and ways to do things as well as perhaps caring for and teaching young children at the same time. Those that are able to continue to work in their normal environment have found it to be anything but normal and worry about each and every interaction with someone. Those that are at home not working are concerned about finances and struggle with what to do each day. And everyone is experiencing, at some level, the energy of uncertainty that is in abundance. Not only is this a novel virus we are battling but it is a novel experience for just about everyone living today. Â
Yes, it may seem that others have it easier, the circumstances they are dealing with not as challenging, but is any one situation worse than another? I don’t know as I only know and experience my situation. What I do know is that I can learn from watching others and ponder the whats, hows and whys of their actions. How are they adapting? What are they doing to remain centered and hopeful? What have they done and continue to do to stay healthy and strong? Why does their situation seem different than mine? It is from observation and curiosity that I continue to learn from those that seem to have it easier.Â
Through the years, one of many things I have learned that resonates so strongly today as I watch others navigate this landscape, is that where there is darkness, light can always penetrate. Where there is light there is hope. And where there is hope fear cannot reside. Â
I would ask you dear reader, today and all future todays, to remember to shine your light.  To shine your light for yourself so that your path is clear. To shine your light so that hope will be seen and fear will subside. To shine your light and be who you truly are so that others may find their way in the shadows.Â
Much light and peace at this time to everyone on their heartfelt journey!  ~♥~