Smiling at the Noise of the World
Noise. There is so much noise right now. Whether it is the war in Ukraine, climate challenges, the stance that SCOTUS is taking, another mass shooting, the revelations of the January 6th Hearings, or a myriad of other perceived threats, there is a lot of noise. A lot of noise, discomfort, and for me this morning, a lot of overwhelm.
So I walk with my dogs along the dirt trails near our home, surrounded by coastal oaks, majestic pine trees, colorful manzanita, and wildflowers. And I breathe. I breathe, savoring the multilayered scent of nature and the gift of the present moment. And I listen. I listen to the wind as it plays amongst the trees. I listen to the birds as they call to one another.  I listen to my footsteps as they traverse the well-worn and familiar paths. Hearing these familiar sounds, noise from the ‘outside’ world subsides, for this is the noise of my world, and I decide I will smile.  Â
I will smile when something is humorous, and I will smile when I see something wondrous.
I will smile when I feel love around me, and I will smile as tears trace their way down my cheeks when there is sadness.
I will smile recognizing problems are opportunities, and challenges are chances to learn.
I will smile at tight schedules, acknowledging everything happens at the right time, and trusting there is always time for what matters.
I will smile when my heart breaks from some perceived injury, knowing that light will shine through the the cracks, and healing will make me stronger.
I will smile when I am content, and I will smile when I am afraid, understanding to trust the messages being sent.
I will smile when I am happy, and I will smile when I am angry, discerning they are both my teachers, shining a light on different paths to walk.
I will smile at the hope and resilience of a glorious wildflower, finding purchase in the small crevice between two large boulders.
I will smile in gratitude for all that was, all that is, and all that will be.
Just for today, I will smile.
I will not forget the unkindness I have seen, nor that there is work to be done. I will not forget there are changes needed and challenges to overcome. I will not forget what is important to me, but for today, I will smile.
I hope, dear friend, when the outside noise becomes too loud, you take a moment and listen to the sounds of your world, grounding yourself in the gift of the present moment, and smile.