Finding My Voice
Being vulnerable and just being yourself in this world is truly frightening. There are so many masks that we wear depending on the role and the situation, and while many times there is logic behind these behaviors, there have been times I have found myself hiding behind this mask. Keeping the mask on. Not saying what I want or believe and putting up with disrespect and disparagement for the sake of the cause. For fitting in. Ultimately this has come at the expense of my emotional wellbeing, not understanding the importance of establishing the line in the sand for my fundamental beliefs and how I should be treated. More recently I began to understand these lines are necessary and are key to a healthy and joyful life. With this new found knowledge and understanding I have removed myself from environments that were not healthy for me and when the individual(s) were not willing to acquiesce to my requests for change. Not an easy thing to do but a necessary action for healing. When we do this, however, sometimes we let others cage us in too much in not wanting to experience discomfort, pain and unwanted feelings.