Today, This Moment
In the madness around us, the uncertainty and the fear, there is still beauty to behold. I found one of those moments yesterday as we drove to pick up our CSA box from a local farm. Having not been out of the house for a couple days other to than to walk my dog or visit with neighbors while social distancing, this felt like a grand adventure. The world did still exist despite the dire news from the differing media sources we listen to for a few minutes each day. And there, as we turned the corner were the flowers.
Rows and rows of gorgeous stock, enjoying light rain interspersed with sunshine from the sky, greeted us. My dear sweet husband, knowing how I would delight in seeing them, had invited me along for the ride. Such a simple gesture and a simple joy, but so powerful in the moment.
Even in times of challenge there is beauty and joy, kindness and compassion. Sometimes we find them in the most unexpected places and times or from the smallest of gestures. This doesn’t diminish their impact or importance, but rather emphasizes how much they are around if we notice. With this lesson I am trying to stop more and pay attention, not hurry through life. To enjoy the small and seemingly inconsequential things as well as the big important things, because it is today, this moment, that matters.
Wishing you dear friend moments of beauty, joy, kindness and compassion during these uncertain times. Stay safe, stay healthy on your heartfelt journey.  ~♥~