Perceptions, Perspectives, and a Wildflower
Wildflowers have always fascinated me. When I see them, my heart sings and I smile in wonder at their beauty and courage to grow in some of the most inhospitable places. Many years ago, I began taking pictures of ones I encountered when visiting different areas, admiring how there are so many varieties and knowing you can find them almost anywhere. Because of this, I have grown to recognize many of the ones I find along our local hiking and walking trails, and recently, I noticed a new one I didn’t remember seeing before. White, delicate star-shaped flowers sat atop a thin stem with long, blade-like leaves. The leaves reminded me of daffodil leaves or perhaps narcissus, and with these observations, I thought the plant had been placed along the trail by someone and not endemic to the area. I still enjoyed its beauty and took a quick picture, making a mental note of its location to point it out to my granddaughter on our next walk that way. Read more “Perceptions, Perspectives, and a Wildflower”