The Brilliantly Beckoning Path
We all have a unique journey in this life. A path to follow, so that we experience what we are meant to experience and grow and blossom into the unique beings we are. Sometimes we travel this path with others and sometimes alone. Sometimes the path is dark and unclear and other times the light so bright and the path so clear we wonder how we could have ever doubted the direction.
It is during those dark and unclear times that I have found myself faltering, questioning what I am doing, not believing I am up to the task, whatever that task may be. I find myself relying on others not just for guidance and support but to tell me what to do and how to do it, maybe even just do it for me. Perhaps you can relate to those times. Those times you just want to curl up and let someone else takeover because you are exhausted or just plain scared. And as tempting as this is, I have found it is not the solution. Digging my heels in and persevering hasn’t worked either…it just makes the darkness darker. Taking care of myself and acknowledging the darkness and lack of clear direction is how I have found my way back to my path. My brilliantly beckoning path that is meant uniquely for me.
So how have I learned to take care of myself? (I mean it only took 50+ years!) I use daily meditation, exercise and practice mindfulness. I continue to explore the gifts that have been given to me, establish healthy boundaries with family and friends and have learned how to truly love myself for who I am. Words are easy, actions have proven more difficult and I am still learning, still growing into this life I have been blessed to have. Sending love your way that you may find your brilliantly beckoning path that is meant uniquely for you!
Wishing you a blessed and heartfelt journey! ~♥~
PS~Follow A Heartfelt Journey to learn more about meditation, mindfulness and loving yourself!

Martin Buber