The Magic of Embracing The Moment
I recently had the opportunity to camp with my husband and explore some new hiking trails. We had chosen Death Valley as our destination as it was one of the warmest places in California in November and yet a comfortable daytime temperature, not to mention we felt we could readily practice our social distancing. I wasn’t sure what I expected of the desert and this national park but I was unprepared for the majesty and the allure we encountered. The diversity of color and land formations created beautifully unique scenes. A beauty that while very different, was comparable to other places I had admired that were lush with vegetation. Nature has an extraordinary ability to create magnificent works of art with whatever she has at hand. Â
It was our second morning in the park and we headed out for one of our longer treks, which took us through a canyon and had an elevation gain of about 1000 feet, to an incredible overlook. Partway through the canyon, as we began to climb in earnest, I became fixated on the path ahead, admiring the variety of rock formations and colors but wondering how much further we had to go. At one point we stopped momentarily to catch our breath and my husband pointed out the view behind us. Though I had just passed those same formations they appeared very different from just moments before. Perspective I reminded myself. It is fascinating how this simple phenomena is able to work its magic. Â
Not only did I gain a new appreciation for the land structures we were traversing but I also took a moment to see where we had come from and appreciate just how far we had traveled in a short amount of time. Moments before had you asked me about our journey, I would have bemoaned a bit how far we still had to go to reach our goal and not acknowledged or realized how far we had come.  We continued on our path, scrabbling over rocks of varying colors and sizes, squeezing into narrow passages, unsure of our what our destination had to hold but I had a new assurance that whatever it was would be worth the effort. I was not disappointed as we reached the end of our climb, sitting in silence for a few moments, just observing, listening and being present. Â
Since coming home I have remembered this particular hike and what is most interesting to me is that while we achieved our goal of experiencing the spectacular view of the valley, it is that moment, earlier in the hike that comes to mind more often. The moment when I realized, though I still had a ways to go, I had truly gone much further than I thought. It was a lesson in perception. A lesson that it is easy to become caught up in the end goal and not appreciate where you are in the moment or how far you have come. It is easy for me to chastise myself for not being where I wish to be instead of accepting where I am, reveling in the present moment and perhaps even celebrating just how far I have come. Another reminder that reflection is as valuable as looking ahead but the magic happens when I embrace where I am. Â
Wishing you dear friend reminders to acknowledge just how far you have come on your journey and to celebrate where you are today.  ~♥~