The New, The Shiny, The Sugary
Over the last few weeks, I have watched a single, lone narcissus plant flourish along the edge of one of the dirt paths I walk in our neighborhood. Not native to our area, I wonder how it came to find its home in an area that is not under anyone’s care other than Mother Nature’s. More importantly, I have enjoyed watching its transformation in such a short time.
When I first encountered it with my husband, there was but a single, fragile bloom with the promise of more. As the days progressed with rain and sunshine, I have witnessed the single flower turn to several as the plant shares its glory with me and others that pass by.
It is almost magical to watch how, with the nourishment it needs, this lone plant has become the beauty it is today with so many flowers and the hope for more. As I appreciated what this narcissus had become, I began to ponder how I or anyone else would change and grow if we had the nourishment and support we needed. Far too often, I know I opt not for what I need but what I think I want. The new, the shiny, the sugary, the easy, the immediate but short-lived dopamine hit, those seem to be my default.

Perhaps the lesson for me is that for 2022, and forward, I will strive to give myself what I need more often. To be conscious of my choices and to pause and question why. Whether it is rest, nutritious food, time in nature, exercise, pulling myself back to the present moment, or something else that is nurturing, I hope to make these my default choices. And when they aren’t, to be kind to myself and acknowledge this is a journey and the magic in the journey is the experiences and the lessons. As Brene Brown states, “I’m not here to be right but to get it right.”
Wishing you dear friend the awareness and insight this year to nurture yourself as mother nature would a beautiful bloom. ~♥~