The Truth of Happily Ever After
The world seems so full of noise and angst right now. The US election is over but still undecided and may well not be decided for many more hours, perhaps even days or weeks as ballot counts are contested. It is easy for me to get swept up in this whirlwind of anxiety, wanting oh so desperately for things to play out in a way that I feel they should. But I stop and remind myself this is not something I can control and that to argue with reality just leads me to frustration. Â
Truly, the reality of this life is that even if things do go the way I think they ‘should’ there are still struggles, still work to be done. There are plans to be made, tears to cry and laughter to be shared. The ‘happily ever after’ ending that has been wrapped up so prettily with a bow and sold to me is really just a fantasy and doesn’t exist in the world I live in because everything keeps moving in alignment with its true nature, just as the sun will continue to rise and set each day. Â
With all this I remember a prayer that I was taught at a very young age and have kept close to my heart for many years. Some know it as the Serenity Prayer others have called it the Prayer of Wisdom. For me, it is one that I repeat as I feel anxiety begin to take hold and it goes ~
Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Â
So I remind myself there is always beauty in the world and things to be grateful for despite all the ugliness and unkind acts. There will be joy and and laughter, as well as sadness and regret because this world is made up of opposing natures and contrasting colors and perhaps that is where the true magic and beauty of the world exist. Â
Wishing you dear friends much love, serenity, courage and wisdom as you navigate the noise on your heartfelt journey.  ~♥~