‘Tis the Gift Receiving Season
For my family December is a month of traditions. Special foods, celebrations, decorations, music, candy canes, snowmen, elves, family, friends, and gifts. With all this activity, gifts however, seem to dominate and be an integral part of the month whether arrival is by Santa’s sleigh, a silent angel or someone we know well.  I have always enjoyed giving gifts to others, trying to find that special something that will light up their eyes or be treasured for years to come. Not always an easy task and not always accomplished but there is still the challenge in trying and joy in succeeding .Â
So, armed with this challenge the process begins.  Find the perfect gift, purchase it and wrap it. And yet, I worry. Is it truly the best gift I could give?  Is the size is correct? Is the color the one they wanted? Or one of a million other late night niggling doubts that crowd my thoughts as I am trying to sleep. However, it is a gift given with love, I remind myself, quelling all the undermining chatter. Â
Then it is time. Time to exchange presents, to open the festively wrapped packages. Time to see someone’s reaction to the gift I have chosen for them. For many years I had heard the old adage, ’Tis better to give than receive’ and have identified with it and yet, I am not sure I fully appreciated what I now believe it was trying to convey. The reality is in giving we do receive. We receive gratitude. We share in another’s joy. We establish a connection with someone we genuinely care for. We are gifted with a feeling of accomplishment, of bringing happiness to another person when the gift is appreciated.  Â
This realization then lead me to the next thought, how do I receive gifts? I had always placed an emphasis on my giving but had never really considered how I receive what is given to me in love. I don’t believe I have been rude, grimaced at a gift or rejected it out of hand, but I am not sure I have been truly joyful in my receiving as I didn’t feel this was important. There have definitely been times when I have brushed aside or minimized what I have received due to my shyness or awkward feelings for some reason or another. Not very good excuses but that is the reality of my gift receiving. Â
So I have a new challenge for myself this gift giving season and that is to receive each gift with visible joy and gratitude. To be truly present in the moment as I carefully peel back the wrapping paper or pull the tissue  away. To recognize it is not the gift itself that is important but my reaction to the love and intent behind it. Most importantly, to not deny others the joy of gift giving.
Wishing you dear friends, much joy and presence as you give and receive gifts on your heartfelt journey! ~♥~