What If You Gave Yourself Gift?
It’s that time of year again when gifts seem to take center stage for many people. Whether it is Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza or some other celebration, December seems to have become the month for giving and receiving gifts. There is an importance, an emphasis, on making sure just the right gift is chosen for each person in our life. Something that will bring them joy or excitement and will not be saved for the White Elephant exchange next year.  Â
I don’t know about you dear friend, but in the past I have put a lot of thought and energy into these choices and rightfully so. This is one of the ways we communicate our love to one another, establishing a connection and letting others know we value them and are thinking of them. And when we receive gifts mindfully, with enthusiasm and grace, we return the energy, keeping the connection open and strengthening the relationship. Â
As I was sitting and reflecting on gift giving and the energy flow I have observed between people, I realized, however, that I have repeatedly neglected my energy during this celebratory season. There are far too many things to do in too short of time. A tree and house to decorate, cards to design and mail out, gifts to purchase and wrap, cookies to bake, friends and family to connect with, not to mention that working in the retail world means long days and little time off. Even sleep looses its priority most years as the clock ticks down to C Day. Truly it is no mystery why far too often, I am sick, have a little hacky cough that sticks around until just after New Years, my patience is nonexistent or I am just exhausted for the holiday celebrations. Â
Every year I tell myself I will work more diligently on being prepared. I will be more disciplined with my time and schedule so that I will not end up with an office that looks like a tornado or ten swept through it. I will have more will power to have the structure needed so our holiday celebrations are perfect, like the ones that I have admired from afar. And yet, every year I fall short.Â
But what if I am not falling short? What IF, in the chaos of the holiday, in my focus on everyone else, I have just forgotten to give myself a gift, thus impeding my energy flow. And if that is the case, is there a gift I can give myself which I am able to receive in a way that makes space and replenishes, letting the energy flow again? After pondering this for a bit and rejecting several thoughts (a spa day, a good book to read, a day of rest and more) I decided this year the gift to give myself is grace. Grace to know that things don’t have to be perfect. Grace to know when I give someone a gift I thought was just the right one and their reaction tells me otherwise that it is okay. Grace to know that sleep sometimes is more important than homemade cookies. Grace to know gift bags save a lot of time and are actually environmentally friendly if reused. Grace to know that Christmas cards can easily be New Years cards because people just love to be remembered. Grace to know I can maintain my determination to accomplish all that is before me, but temper that with forgiveness for myself when I make mistakes and forget things. Ultimately, giving myself the gift of grace allows me to accept and embrace each moment as it comes. It allows me to celebrate connections without shame and judgement, allowing the energy to flow unobstructed. Â
And you dear friend? If you could give yourself a gift this holiday season (because we all deserve to be seen and heard), what would it be?  Wishing you much love, connection and grace on your heartfelt journey.  ~♥~