When the Earth Held Her Breath
The landscape for most people has changed, at least a bit if not dramatically, with the advent of the pandemic. With shelter at home decrees or just plain wanting to stay safe, what was perceived as a ‘normal’ daily routine quickly became a thing of the past. For me there was a period of time that it felt like the Earth was holding her breath as we figured out how to navigate living in a world with the threat of a deadly foe that was unseen and virtually undetectable. Â
During that time things seemed to slow down.  Needs seemed fewer and my blessings more bountiful. Colors were brighter, birdsong louder and my loved ones more dear.  But time continued to march on, discoveries made and now it seems we are able to at least attempt a return to normal. For me, however, I know the normal we had is not where I wish to go again.  I treasure those things I learned as we hit the pause button, hunkering down to weather the pandemic, and I truly don’t want to forget the lessons.
I want to remember what it is like to enjoy the beauty of nature in my backyard, sun shining on my face, birds singing to each other and the breeze sighing as it chases itself through the trees. Â
I want to remember how our neighbors found each other and connected in a way we had not in the past. Social distancing in place, we would check on one and other, share from our gardens or share a smile and a chat on a daily basis. Â
I want to remember how the skies looked in the metropolitan areas that no longer were subjected to daily transportation demands. The beautiful clear blue of the heavens boldly appearing and no longer shrouded beneath the fumes of what we call progress. Â
I want to remember how our community came together in an outpouring of economic support for the businesses that were still open, emotional support for the businesses that found themselves shuttered and support for families and individuals that found themselves without the means to put food on the table. Â
I want to remember how driving through our little town even at rush hour meant only a few cars on the road. Cars traveling at an easy pace, no darting in and out of traffic, cutting off others or running red lights. Â
I want to remember the kindness that I witnessed being extended not just to friends and family but to others that were strangers for no reason other than to help.
I want to remember how it was the little moments throughout the day that brought joy and smiles. There were no grand productions, events or vacations and yet there was celebration and happiness everyday. A reveling in the very fact of being able to enjoy another day as the Earth made is ritual travel around the sun.
And so as we return to normal I hope that it is a new normal. A new normal that recognizes the lessons learned. A normal with a new perspective that we are all on this planet together and no matter how different we are we are all so very much alike. A normal that values kindness and connection towards each other as well as towards our dear beloved Mother Earth. A normal that understands we each impact one and another as well as our beloved planet with our actions, thoughts and words.
This is my hope for myself. For my family. For my neighbors. For my community. For my country. For our world. Â
Wishing you dear friends, much hope and a beautiful new normal on your heartfelt journey. ~♥~